Answers to the most common questions about our services. If you have any questions that aren’t addressed here, feel free to contact us for further assistance. We’re here to help!

  • Task Tamers is more than a removal company. We offer many additional services and are flexible in our approach. We can provide a customised solution and organise/execute as much or as little as you need.

    A removal company will move your belongings to your new home and some will help you pack and unpack too, but they are unlikely to

    • help you prepare your existing home for sale

    • help you decide which items to take with you and develop solutions for those items which are surplus to your needs

    • help you change your utilities and redirect your mail

    • arrange to hang your television and art and make sure your computer is working in your new home

    • provide advice and answer the many questions you are likely to have during the process.

    Our team is very experienced and we pride ourselves on being excellent problem solvers – there isn’t much we haven’t come across or seen. 

    We work with major retirement providers on a regular basis and understand their unique requirements.

  • We have helped move people with a range of circumstances, including:

    • those moving from family homes to retirement living or nursing care 

    • relatives and professionals who are responsible for an estate clearance

    • family members who may live interstate or overseas and are not able to assist their parent/s to organise a move

    • singles, couples and families who just need some extra assistance

    • real estate agents who need us to organise services to get homes ready for sale

    • people who need to sell their home in difficult circumstances eg divorce 

    Whatever your reason for moving, we can help you relocate with confidence and ease. 

  • Meeting with you onsite before you move is an important part of our process and allows you to get to know us. It also helps us assess the nature and volume of items we need to manage and the logistics required for your move (staffing, packing materials, transport options, what items you’re taking with you and what items you would like to dispose of and more). Once you have decided what you would like us to do, we prepare a move schedule which guides the work we will undertake for you.

  • Based on our visit, and discussions with you, we will prepare a detailed and transparent estimate of costs. Each service will be individually estimated, so you can decide which services you would like us to perform. Having completed more than 1000 moves, we know that a lot can and does change between the time of our initial consultation and the time of your move. Ultimately, you only pay for the services you choose to use.

  • A move is usually a two-day process, although we can be flexible depending on the particular characteristics of your move, our availability and other logistics. The day before your move your items will be packed by our team. You can stay in your home, so we won’t pack things you’ll need for that night.

    On the day of your move, our team leader will arrive early to undertake a last-minute pack of your bed linen and towels, the contents of your fridge and freezer, etc, supervise the truck loading and once it’s arrived at your new home, our team will unpack. By the time we’ve finished, your beds will be made, clothes hung in wardrobes, kitchen set up and all of our packing materials will be removed so you don’t need to be surrounded by boxes in your lovely new home.

    In the days following your move, we can organise to have your art hung, television wall mounted, computer set up and many services to ensure you can live comfortably in your new home.

  • Each job is run by a team leader (all have 3+ years of experience) and as many assistants as necessary to complete the job in a reasonable timeframe (you don’t still want us under your feet at 8pm!). Our staff are highly skilled and many of them have tertiary qualifications eg nursing, occupational therapy, real estate, human resources, hospitality, etc. All our staff have police checks.

  • Yes, you are welcome to pack and unpack your own belongings however please note that our insurance is limited to items packed and unpacked by members of our trained team – it’s like anything you do often:  you become very skilled at it, you understand what to do and what not to do as well as becoming very efficient.

    Some clients are reluctant to have us unpack because they don’t think we will know where they want things. Our experience is that most clients are delighted with our unpacking work – the attention to detail, optimisation of space and logical placement of items.

  • We only use packing materials our experience tells us are fit for purpose. While many people choose to pack their belongings in plastic crates, zip up bags from two dollar shops and boxes sourced from their local fruit shop or the checkout at Bunnings, most of these are not designed for the rigours of stacking a truck. Not only can their use result in damaged belongings, the fact they are not designed for stacking can result in increased transport costs.

    We recommend the use of double walled packing boxes of only one or two sizes – they are designed to be stacked to optimise truck space and protect the items within. Ensure all boxes are labelled with their contents and intended destination, sealed with flat (not bulging tops) and filled completely to prevent movement within the box. 

    Pack as many of your belongings as you can in boxes. For example, if you disassemble a table lamp and pack the pieces in boxes, it will protect the lamp as well as allowing the width, depth and height of the truck to be utilised more fully than can be achieved with items of different shapes and sizes.

    We recommend wrapping your items in clean, white butcher's paper. Newspaper is not recommended as the ink can rub off, creating a lot of cleaning work after your move. Bubblewrap secured using tape is time consuming to wrap and unwrap, as well as being more expensive than crushed butcher's paper.

  • Task Tamers uses removalist contractors who we know well, and who we can trust. We know what it takes to ensure your move is efficient and all of our contractors have insurance.

    Of course, you can choose to organise your own removalist, but please note that anyone can call themselves a removalist and may not have the necessary skills, experience or insurance. Ensure the removalist has done an orientation visit to both the collection and delivery points and understands the move protocols applicable to both sites, particularly where you are moving to a village or high rise building. The protocols will cover things like where the vehicles can park, how the lift can be used, hours of operation, what they can and can’t do in terms of making your appliances operational (eg plumbed fridges, washing machines) etc. Make sure your removalist is aware of the volume and nature of items you need to move so that they book a properly sized vehicle and enough men to get the loading and unloading finished in the allocated time. If you are working to a specified time slot in which your move needs to be completed, it may mean that you may need to load the truck the day before and sometimes this may incur overnight holding costs.

  • In the lead up to your move or in the days following your move, please contact our office team, who can provide advice, answer questions, make the necessary arrangements, follow up on any issues, etc. Our wonderful team leaders will most likely be assisting other clients with their moves and so are probably unavailable to answer calls.

  • Task Tamers has professional indemnity and public liability insurance. All of the contractors we work with have public liability. We do suggest, however, that you check your own public liability and contents policy to determine if your insurance is appropriate for your needs.

Book your free, no obligation consultation today.